Wednesday, June 12, 2019

HR class wirtting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HR class wirtting - Essay ExampleEmployee employment leads to better customer outcomes, employee retention and increased productivity and these are what either organization needs in order to thrive (Hein, 2014). Employers should focus on the recency, frequency, duration, virality and ratings to be able to understand and analyze their engagement levels. Some of the tips in improving employee engagement include finding out what motivates the employees setting goals and sharing organizational vision constructing feedback on a regular basis hiring the right managers setting actualize expectations empowering employees and gamification among others (Hein, 2014). Gamification is one of the useful tools used in an organization and it has many key metrics including employee engagement. It is one of the most effective ways to motivate employees thereby wind to greater satisfaction and higher productivity and performance in an organization (Hein, 2014).Generally, employee engagement is con sidered one of the most important and effective strategies to increase workers performance and productivity in an organization. It is one of the approaches designed at the workplace to ensure that all employees are attached to the organizations goals and values. Notably, being committed to the organizational goals enables employees to enhance organizations success and well-being. Engagement is a two-way relationship between the employer and employees. That is, engagement involves what employees think and feel about their employers, their ablaze connection and their actions and perceptions of their colleagues and clients. Those organizations that consider employee engagement have strong established values, trust and fairness and mutual respect among members and the needs of every employee is understood and fulfilled accordingly. Employee engagement is the extent to which employees are motivated to contribute to organizational success

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