Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Lab work 9 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lab work 9 - Coursework ExampleOn the other hand, basophils (those that stain blue) likely to liberate heparin, histamine, and serotonin in hypersensitive reactions that intensify overall inflammatory response (Tortora and Derrickson 743).1f. Platelets- Function mainly in hemostasis by forming platelet plugs in damaged blood vessels to prevent overweening blood loss. They also release vasoactive chemicals that cause vascular spasm and blood clotting (Tortora and Derrickson 742).2a. Pericardium- a fibrous tissue that covers the outside of the subject matter and some move of the attached major blood vessels. Its main functions include protection, appropriate positioning, and facilitation of heart movement as it provides adequate lubrication necessary to reduce friction as the heart relaxes and contracts (Snell 71).2c. Septum- divides the heart longitudinally to prevent mixing of the unoxygenated and oxygenated blood. Its overlying tissue may also be involved in nerve conduction to watch the rate and rhythm of the heart (Snell 73)2f. Mitral Valve- positions between the left atrium and left ventricle. It functions by rhythmic opening and closing to regulate the blood flow that enters the heart. It in the beginning prevents backflow of blood from the high- pressure left ventricle into the left atrium so that the blood will only flow towards the aorta (Snell 74).The hairlike (or capillary bed) is the site of the unfeigned exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide and other metabolic products between the blood and the tissues of the body. The diameter of the capillary is small enough to allow the erythrocytes to deliver its oxygen content to the tissues in exchange of carbon dioxide which is a byproduct of cellular respiration. Metabolic products, especially urea, are also transported to the blood by way of the capillaries. One end of the capillary is actually connected with an arteriole and the other end with a venule (Kumar 2010).Coagulation is an important physiolo gic process

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