Friday, June 14, 2019

Victims of Organizational Crimes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Victims of Organizational Crimes - Essay ExampleOrganizational evil on the other hand, can have more of an impact than lurid crimes. (Weisburd, 2001)The victim of a violent crime can recuperate, where as the victim of organizational crime can have immeasurable impact that can nullify ones home, family, and even life. The genuine problem behind organizational crime is not defining organizational crime, but developing the suitable means to correct this eccentric person of crime. The recognition of organizational crime was meant to provide substantive assistance to the understanding of crime, criminality, criminal justice system and the victim.Even more recent perspectives which recognize that organizational crime offenders will change and develop as a response to life course events and experiences begin with an assumption that there is something unique to the development of offenders that explains their corporation in organizational crimes. While recognizing that paths to crime m ay begin at different stages of an offenders life, scholars taking this approach identify in every stage limited influences that increase (or decrease) the propensity of offenders to participate in crime and other deviant behaviors in the future. The causes of crime remain rooted in the factors that distinguished organizational crime offenders from others. Organizational crimes offenders are better educated than either conventional criminals or the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are more likely to be male and dust coat than conventional offenders. Organizational crimes offenders are generally older than either conventional criminals or the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are much better off financially than conventional criminals, but not as well off as the general public. Organizational crimes offenders are more likely to have a prior(prenominal) arrest than the general public, but less likely than conventional criminals.The academic study of org anizational crimes like bullying at work place does belittled to reveal the deep psychological distress that is experienced by the targets of offenders. Debates about personality characteristics of victims and bullies, the role of organizational factors and the legislative context are vital stock-still inadvertently they obscure the dreadful anguish that many victims live with year after year.It may be selflessness to mention that anyone can become a victim of bullying by being in the wrong place at the wrong time, simply by working or living inside an environment that fosters harassment and in the vicinity of people who gain positive reinforcement from aggressive activity. Yet, frequently the clinical narratives of those who experience prolonged bullying at work place and suffer the severest of insults to their self-constructs provide an historical dimension to their suffering which extends the span and complexity of antecedents considerably. These victims are those who experienc e harassment at different generation and in different contexts over a period of years. It may be that their current complaints are firmly rooted in their workplace as it is at the present or of their

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