Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Organisational Development and change (Managment Psychology) Dissertation

Organisational Development and remove (Managment Psychology) - Dissertation Examplendustry since September 2008. Pettigrew et al (2001) stated there are six interconnected analytical issues that should be kept in mind when studying change or development in an organisation. These issues are as follows (a) Multiple levels of contexts and analysis (b) The inclusion of time, history process and live up to (c) The link between change processes and organisational performance and outcomes (d) Receptivity, customisation, pace, sequencing and episodic versus the continuous change process (e) Cross-cultural comparisons in research, and (f) The partnership between scholars and practitioners in studying change Keeping these six principles in mind, the changes that have taken place in the mobile phone industry since September 2008 are examined closely. The focus is on dread the motivations and the reasoning behind these changes. September 2008 was chosen as the starting point because this was when a global recession had just set in that as well bear on the UK economy. This therefore allows examining the impact of these external changes in the environment on the mobile phone companies and their impact on the strategy formation in these organisations. The organisations chosen for mental test are Apple, Nokia, Samsung and HTC. One possible key source of information could be their annual reports, as this would detail changes in strategy that have taken place. It would also give an insight into the direct impact these changes have had on the organisations performance, and could help to identify the nature of the change processes, i.e. is the change episodic or continuous in nature? Another set of sources that could provide more insight are statements, letters and interviews from the leadership of these organisations. These could provide an insight into how the organisation perceives its own progress in contrast to its competitors and the future direction the organisation is striving to take. The perception of these changes in the press shall also be examined by looking at the relevant pipeline imaginations. These changes in strategy formation shall be examined and the impact these changes have produced shall be searchd by looking at the relevant sources mentioned in the methods section. It would be necessary to explore more the nature of the change, and the comments and interviews from the leadership of these organisations should provide a better understanding of the reasons and motivations behind their respective strategies. Method of study This will be an Internet resource based study only. It is therefore a non-participant contact study. The idea is to examine the organisations

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